SETI: Determination of G/T (2024)

Publications Department
Determination of G/T
by Richard Flagg, AH6NM (

Editor's Note: Ed Cole, The SETI League's volunteer Regional Coordinator for Alaska, has contributed a companion spreadsheet to perform the calculations discussed in this article.

G/T - A Receiving System Figure of Merit

The sensitivity of a radio telescope is a function of many factorsincluding antenna gain (G) and system noise temperature (T). We allunderstand the need for high gain antennas and low noise preamplifiers.But how do we measure just how well the system is performing? A convenientfigure of merit is the ratio (G/T) - the higher this ratio the better thesensitivity of the system to weak signals. To obtain G/T one coulddetermine G and T separately, but these are difficult measurements.Fortunately it is relatively easy to obtain the ratio (G/T) by a singlemeasurement (and a little arithmetic).

T - The Total System Noise Temperature

Before proceeding with the measurement of G/T let's discuss T in a littlemore detail. T is the total system noise temperature (in degrees Kelvin)and is equal to the sum of the noise generated in the receiving system (Tr)and the noise delivered from the antenna (Ta) when the antenna is lookingat a region of the sky free of strong sources. Ta includes the galacticbackground temperature as well as additional noise picked up by the antennasidelobes viewing the earth at ambient temperature.

The receiving system temperature (Tr) is related to the system noise factor(Fn) by:

Tr = (Fn - 1 )* 290 (Equation 1)

Where the noise factor (Fn) is simply the noise figure (NF) in dB expressedas a ratio:

Fn= (Log ^ -1) (NF / 10) (Equation 2)

Determining G/T

The principle behind determination of G/T is to measure the increase innoise power which occurs when the antenna is pointed first at a region ofcold sky and then moved to a strong source of known flux density - usuallythe sun.

This ratio of received power is known as the Y-factor.

Y= Psun / Pcold sky (Equation 3)

The following equation shows the relationship between G/T, the measuredY-factor, and the value of solar flux (F) at the observing frequency.

G/T = (Y - 1) * 8 * pi * k * L / (F * Lam^2) (Equation 4)


  • Y = sun noise rise expressed as a ratio (not dB)
  • k = Boltzmann's constant 1.38 *10^-23 joules/deg K
  • L = beamsize correction factor
  • Lam = wavelength in meters (at the operating frequency fo)
  • F = solar flux at fo in watts / meter^2 / Hz

Beamsize Correction (L)

The beamsize correction factor (L) is dependent upon antenna beamwidth. andapproaches unity for small dishes with beamwidths larger than a fewdegrees. If your dish has a beamwidth larger than 2 or 3 degrees just setL=1 and forget about equation (5).

L = 1 + 0.38 (Ws / Wa)^2 (Equation 5)


  • Ws = diameter of the radio sun in degrees at fo
  • Wa = antenna 3 dB beamwidth at fo

The diameter of the radio sun (Ws) is frequency dependent. Assume a valueof 0.5 degrees for frequencies above 3000 MHz, 0.6 degrees for 1420 MHz,and 0.7 degrees for 400 MHz.

Solar Flux Density (F)

The next term which we need to discuss is (F) - the solar flux density atthe test frequency. The USAF Space Command runs a worldwide solar radiomonitoring network with stations in Massachusetts, Hawaii, Australia, andItaly. These stations measure solar flux density at 245, 410, 610, 1415,2695, 4995, 8800, and 15400 MHz. If you are lucky enough to be operatingnear one of these eight "standard" frequencies then all you have to do isuse the reported flux density. However if you are operating - say midway- between two given frequencies then you will need to interpolate betweenflux densities at the lower and higher frequencies. The best interpolationscheme is to graph the flux density at several frequencies and use a curvefitting routine to determine the flux density at your operating frequency.

The solar flux density obtained from the USAF must be multiplied by10^-22 in order to get the units correct for use in equation (4). In otherwords, if the 1415 MHz solar flux density is 98 *10^-22 watts/meter^2/Hz,the operator may simply state "the solar flux at 1415 Mhz is 98".

The solar flux at 2800 MHz (10.7 cm) is measured at the Dominion RadioAstronomy Observatory in Canada. This flux should only be used for G/Tcalculations if you are operating at or near 2,800 MHz.

G/T Sample Calculation

Assume that you have measured a sun noise rise of 9 dB using your 1420 MHzradio telescope. The solar flux density at the test frequency of 1415 MHzis reported to be 98.

First convert the sun noise rise in dB to a power ratio:

Y = Log-1(dB increase/10) = Log^-1(9/10) = 7.94

Determine the other factors:

fo = 1420 MHz, so
Lam = (300/1420) = 0.211m
and Lam^2 = 0.045 m^2
F = 98 *10^-22 w/m^2/Hz
L= 1
(since you know that your 3 meter dish has a beamwidth of about 5 degrees)

and finally solving for G/T:

G/T = (Y-1)*8*pi*k*L / (F*Lam^2)
= ((7.94-1)*8**3.14*1.38*10^-23) / (98*10^-22*0.045)
G/T = 5.5

or expressed in dB:

G/T (dB) = 10 Log(G/T) = 10Log(5.5) = 7.4 dB

Great - the G/T is 7.4 dB - so what? Should you be walking around with asilly grin - or slinking around looking for a rock to hide under? Well,for one thing this number is a reference point by which to judge the valueof any future modifications to the system. To put it in perspective letsdo the calculation in reverse and estimate what values of G/T and Y areexpected given an antenna size (gain) and preamp noise temperature.

Assume that your 3 meter dish with an efficiency of 50% has a calculatedgain of 30 dBi (power ratio of 1000) and that your preamp is advertised tohave a noise temperature of 45 degrees K. Further assumptions include 10deg K due to the galactic background, 25 deg K due to spillover, 30 deg Kdue to 0.5 dB of attenuation between the feed and the preamp and 5 deg Kdue to the receiver and cable following the preamp. Therefore the totalreceiving system temperature is estimated to be:

T = 45 + 25 + 30 + 10 +5 = 115 deg K.

The expected value of G/T is therefore ( 1000/115 ) = 8.7 = 9.4 dB

By the way, we can do this calculation by converting temperature into dBreferenced to 1 deg K. and leaving the dish gain in dBi. Our temperatureexpressed in this way is

T dB = 10 Log (115/1) = 20.6
And G/T in dB is simply ( 30dB - 20.6dB) = 9.4 dB

So the expected value of G/T was 9.4 dB but we measured 7.4 dB. Why? Anumber of factors could be responsible, but the effect has been to eitherlower the dish gain or raise the system temperature from what was assumed.Its time to make sure the feed is focused and free of bird nests, and thatno unexpected losses exist in the receiving system.

One final calculation shows what value of Y is expected given assumptionsabout antenna gain and system temperature.

Rewriting equation (4) and solving for Y yields:

Y = ((G/T)(F*Lam^2)/(8*pi*k*L)) +1 (Equation 6)

Remember to enter G/T as the ratio - not in dB.

Y = 12.1, or expressed in dB, Y = 10.8 dB

If our system was working exactly as expected a sun noise rise of 10.8 dBwould have been measured - corresponding to a calculated G/T of 9.4 dB.

Measuring Y

The determination of G/T is completely dependent on an accurate measurementof Y. Perhaps the easiest measurement technique is to use a power meter(or a true RMS voltmeter) connected to the receiver IF . For thismeasurement to work the receiver must be operating in a linear region. Ifthe receiver saturates when the antenna is pointed to the sun you are goingto measure a dissapointing Y factor and spend lots of time trying to fixsomething that isn't broken. Of course the receiver AGC should be turnedoff. The Y factor is simply the change in meter reading on and off thesun. The accuracy of this method is dependent on the linearity of both thepower meter and the receiver.

A better technique is to use a precision adjustable RF attenuator locatedbetween the preamp and the receiver. An RF power meter is connected to thereceiver IF. Set the attenuator to 0 dB when the antenna is looking at thecold sky and adjust the receiver gain to get a convenient reference levelon the power meter. Point the dish at the sun and crank in attenuationuntil the power meter once again reads the cold sky reference level. The Yfactor is equal to the amount of attenuation needed to return the meterreading to the reference. This technique could also be used by measuringthe DC output voltage from the receiver detector if a power meter is notavailable. Accuracy of the attenuator method depends on calibration of theattenuator - not receiver and power meter linearity.

Whatever technique you use - measure Y several times and take an average.The average of five measurements is probably adequate. Try and use solarflux measurements obtained about the same time your measurements were madefor the calculation of G/T.

Where to get the Solar Flux

As mentioned earlier - the USAF operates a worldwide solar flux monitoringnetwork. These data are disseminated thru NOAA's Space Environment Center- Space Weather Operations group in Boulder, Colorado (303 497-3171). TheSpace Environment Center also distributes the solar flux data for all eightfrequencies via the world wide web. Set your brouser to:


The 2,800 MHz flux from Canada is available at:

The Learmonth, Australia eight frequency data may be found at:

And finally - for the most recent 45 days of solar flux measurements, see:

Well, that's what I know about G/T - hope this information is helpful.Please let me know if you find any errors or know of improvements to thesemeasurement techniques. I hope the formulas aren't too hard to interpret.Again - let me know if you have trouble with them.

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SETI: Determination of G/T (2024)


How do you determine g in free fall experiment? ›

In this experiment a ball is dropped from an electromagnet or other mechanism onto a trapdoor. When the ball is released a timer is started. When the ball hits the trapdoor the timer is stopped. If the distance from the ball to the trapdoor is measured the acceleration due to gravity (g) can be calculated.

How to measure little g? ›

To measure little g, scientists can use a variety of techniques, such as dropping a mass from a known height and measuring the time it takes to fall to the ground or using a pendulum to measure the period of oscillation and using that to calculate the acceleration due to gravity.

What are the errors in the free fall experiment? ›

Two potential sources of error in this experiment could be timing errors and measurement errors. Timing errors can occur due to human reaction time in starting and stopping the timer. Measurement errors can occur in measuring the height from which the ball is dropped.

How do you find g by looking at the energy of a falling ball? ›

You can use the "g" ball to calculate the acceleration due to gravity by dropping it from a known height. Using the formula g = 2d/t2 (derived from d = (1/2)gt2) you can determine the value for g.

How is the value of g determined? ›

Calculation of acceleration due to gravity earth

G is the universal gravitational constant, G = 6.674×10-11m3kg-1s-2. M is the mass of the massive body measured using kg. R is the radius of the massive body measured using m. g is the acceleration due to gravity measured using m/s2.

How do you calculate the value of small g? ›

use the formula: force of gravity = mg, where m is the mass of the object andg is the acceleration of the object due togravity. Since g is always 9.8 m/s^2, just multiply the object's mass by 9.8 and you'll get its force of gravity!

Why is it difficult to measure the value of g? ›

There are several factors that make it hard to measure G. (1) The forces are small. Typically, the gravitational forces produced by the mass arrangement is well below 1 μN. (2) The gravitational background fields generated by the earth, structures and objects in the laboratory, and humans cannot Page 2 be shielded.

How can I measure my g without scales? ›

Measuring grams with a soup spoon. One tablespoon is equivalent to three teaspoons . Therefore, it is easier to calculate 100 grams of rice or 100 grams of sugar with a tablespoon. In the case of liquid ingredients, one tablespoon is equivalent to 10 to 12 milliliters, depending on the density.

How do you determine g and velocity for a freely falling body? ›

The velocity of a freely falling body is a function of the distance fallen through (h) and acceleration due to gravity g . Show by the method of dimensions that v=K√gh . Where m is the mass of the body, υ its velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is the height.

What are 3 sources of error in an experiment? ›

Physical and chemical laboratory experiments include three primary sources of error: systematic error, random error and human error. These sources of errors in lab should be studied well before any further action.

What is the conclusion of the free fall experiment? ›

The height from which an object is dropped and the time of fall do not affect its acceleration. By comparing the obtained acceleration values with the constant value, we are able to account for the experimental errors. We can therefore conclude that the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s2.

What is the g formula? ›

The g-formula is an analytic tool for estimating standardized outcome distributions using covariate (exposure and confounders) specific estimates of the outcome distribution. 5. The g-formula can be used to estimate familiar measures of association, such as the hazard ratio.

What is the formula for g in free fall? ›

vf = g * t

where g is the acceleration of gravity. The value for g on Earth is 9.8 m/s/s. The above equation can be used to calculate the velocity of the object after any given amount of time when dropped from rest.

What is the G force of free fall? ›

The g-force acting on an object in any weightless environment such as free-fall in a vacuum is 0 g. The g-force acting on an object under acceleration can be much greater than 1 g, for example, the dragster pictured at top right can exert a horizontal g-force of 5.3 when accelerating.

What is the value of g in freely falling lift? ›

If the lift is a few meters from the ground, acceleration due to gravity , g, remains unchanged for all practical purposes. It's value is 9.81 m/ sec squared.

What is the value of g freefall? ›

Free Falling

the value of g is 9.8 meters per square second on the surface of the earth. The gravitational acceleration g decreases with the square of the distance from the center of the earth. But for many practical problems, we can assume this factor to be a constant.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.