Navigating a New Tax Year: Understanding IRS Inflation Adjustments (2024)

Navigating a New Tax Year: Understanding IRS Inflation Adjustments

As we enter a new tax year, it’s not just your calendar and resolutions that change—several inflation adjustments can impact your taxes. These adjustments, released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) each year, ensure that inflation doesn't erode the value of taxpayers’ paychecks and various tax deductions, credits, retirement contribution limits, and more.

Let's break down these changes so you know how to plan in 2024.

What are Inflation Adjustments?

Inflation adjustments are annual changes made to various tax provisions. The IRS adjusts these figures to reflect the inflation rate, ensuring that static figures don't unfairly burden taxpayers in an evolving economy.

When inflation is high, as it has been for the past two years, the IRS’s annual adjustments increase the value of various tax deductions, credits, and other tax provisions.

While these increases might not make a massive dent in your bottom line, being aware of these changes can help your tax planning, allowing you to reduce your tax burden when you file your 2024 return.

Adjustments to Federal Income Tax Brackets

The United States has a progressive federal income tax system, meaning the rate of tax you pay increases as your income rises.

Income tax brackets are ranges of income taxed at particular rates. With annual adjustments, these brackets widen.

Here are the seven tax rates and their income brackets for the 2024 tax year (tax returns filed in 2025):

Marginal Rate

Single Filers

Married Couples Filing Jointly


$11,600 or less

$23,200 or less


$11,601 to $47,150

$23,201 to $94,300


$47,151 to $100,525

$94,301 to $201,050


$100,526 to $191,950

$201,051 to $383,900


$191,951 to $243,725

$383,901 to $487,450


$243,726 to $609,350

$487,451 to $731,200


$609,351 and above

$731,201 and above

You can find tax bracket tables for Heads of Household and married people filing separate returns inInternal Revenue Bulletin 2023-48.

By adjusting these brackets, the IRS attempts to stop “bracket creep,” or inflation pushing taxpayers into a higher bracket without an increase in their real income.

For example, say you’re a single filer with a taxable income of $96,000. That would put you into the 24% tax bracket in 2023. Now, say your income didn’t change from 2023 to 2024. If the tax brackets didn’t adjust for inflation, you would still be in the 24% tax bracket. However,inflation ranged from 6.4% to 3.0% throughout 2023, so $96,000 of taxable income had less buying power at the end of the year than it did in the beginning.

Because the tax brackets are inflation-adjusted, you’re in the 22% tax bracket in 2024.

Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Brackets

Long-term capital gains—gains on sales of capital assets held for longer than one year—are subject to different tax brackets and rates than ordinary income.

For 2024, those tax brackets are:


Single Filers, Taxable Income Over

Joint Filers, Taxable Income Over

Heads of Household, Taxable Income Over













Changes in Deductions

The IRS adjusted several deductions for 2024—either the deduction amount or the income thresholds that apply to those deductions. Here are a few you might see on your return.

Standard Deduction

When you file your federal income tax return, you generally choose between claiming the standard deduction—a preset amount based on yourfiling status—or itemizing deductions.

According to IRS statistics, roughly87% of taxpayers claim the standard deduction.

For 2024, the standard deduction is:

  • Single and married filing separately: $14,600 (up from $13,850 in 2023)
  • Married couples filing jointly: $29,200 (up from $27,700 in 2023)
  • Heads of household: $21,900 (up from $20,800 in 2023)
Section 179 Deduction

Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code allows businesses to take an immediate deduction for the cost of depreciable assets, such as equipment, vehicles, and software, rather than capitalizing and depreciating them over multiple years.

TheSection 179expensing limit increased to $1,220,000. That limit gets reduced by the amount that eligible property placed in service during the 2024 tax year exceeds $3,050,000.

Qualified Business Income Deduction

The qualified business income (QBI) deduction allows eligible self-employed and small business owners to deduct up to 20% of their eligible business income on their individual tax returns.

Limits on the deduction begin phasing in for taxpayers with income above $191,950 for single filers ($383,900 for married couples filing jointly)

Tax Credit Adjustments

Adjustments to these tax breaks also impact several tax credits available in 2024. Here are a few that might impact you.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

The earned income tax credit is a federal tax credit for working taxpayers with low to moderate incomes. The IRS adjusts the maximum credit dollar amounts and the applicable income limits annually for inflation.

The following table shows the EITC credit amounts and income limits for 2024.

Filing Status

No Children

One Child

Two Children

Three or More Children

Single or Head of Household

Income at Max Credit





Maximum Credit





Phaseout Begins





Phaseout Ends (Credit Equals Zero)





Married Couples Filing Jointly

Income at Max Credit





Maximum Credit





Phaseout Begins





Phaseout Ends (Credit Equals Zero)





Child Tax Credit

The Child Tax Credit amount is not adjusted annually for inflation—it remains at $2,000 per qualifying child for tax year 2024.

However, the IRS adjusts the refundable portion of the credit for inflation. If the credit brings your tax liability below zero, up to $1,700 is available as a refund in 2024, up from $1,600 for tax year 2023.

Retirement Contributions

Inflation adjustments also impact retirement contributions. The maximum contribution to 401(k)s, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), and other retirement accounts typically increases, allowing you to save more for retirement in a tax-advantaged way.

Here are the new contribution limits for 2024:

  1. 401(k)s: $23,000 (The limit for catch-up contributions for people age 50 and older remains at $7,500)
  2. IRAs: $7,000 (The limit for catch-up contributions for people age 50 and older remains at $1,000)
  3. Defined contribution plans: $69,000 for total employee and employer contributions

The phase-out range for deducting IRA contributions for people participating in an employer-sponsored retirement plan increased to adjusted gross income (AGI) between $77,000 and $87,000 for single filers ($123,000 to $143,000 for married couples filing jointly).

The phase-out range for contributions to a Roth IRA increased to AGI between $146,000 and $161,000 for single filers ($230,000 and $240,000 for joint filers).

Health Savings Account (HSA) Contributions

If you have a high deductible health plan (HDHP), an HSA offers a tax-advantaged way to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses and grow your retirement savings.

The IRS adjusts HSA contribution limits annually for inflation. For 2024, you can contribute up to $3,850 if you have self-only coverage or $7,750 for family coverage.

The catch-up contribution limit for people 55 or older isn’t adjusted for inflation and remains at $1,000.

Estate and Gift Tax Exemptions

The IRS adjusted two critical thresholds for estate tax planning in 2024.

The lifetime estate andgift tax exemptionincreased to $12.92 million. This means the estates of taxpayers who die in 2024 with an estate valued at less than this amount do not have to file a federal estate tax return or pay federal estate taxes.

Remember that many states charge estate and/or inheritance taxes and have different exemption amounts.

The annual gift tax exclusion increased from $17,000 to $18,000. This means you can give gifts of money or property worth up to $18,000 to as many people as you want without filing a federal gift tax return or having them count against your lifetime exemption amount.

Planning Ahead

These are just a few adjustments to tax brackets, deductions, credits, and other tax provisions that might impact your tax planning in the coming months.

What can you do with this information now?

  1. Adjust your withholding.Consider adjusting your tax withholdings to account for the new brackets and deductions by completing a new Form W-4 and giving it to your employer.
  2. Boost your retirement savings.Take advantage of increased retirement contribution limits and HSA contributions (if eligible).
  3. Tax planning.Consult with a tax professional to understand how these changes impact your tax situation. Business owners may want to pay special attention to changes in Section 179 expensing limits, the QBI deduction, and how you can use the annual gift tax exemption for estate tax planning.

By staying informed about these changes and working with a trusted tax advisor, you can make smarter financial decisions and potentially reduce your tax bill.Schedule a free consultationwith Hood & Associates to see how these changes might impact you in the coming tax year. Remember, a little planning goes a long way in managing your taxes effectively in the face of inflation.

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Greetings, fellow tax enthusiasts. Allow me to delve into the intricacies of the IRS inflation adjustments and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the changes that will shape your tax landscape in 2024. My expertise in taxation is not merely theoretical; I bring practical knowledge and firsthand experience in navigating the complexities of the Internal Revenue Service.

Inflation adjustments, an annual ritual orchestrated by the IRS, play a crucial role in maintaining the fairness of the tax system amidst the ever-evolving economy. The adjustments extend their influence over various facets of taxation, including deductions, credits, retirement contributions, and more.

Let's dissect the key concepts discussed in the article, starting with the fundamental notion of inflation adjustments.

Inflation Adjustments:

Inflation adjustments are annual modifications made to various tax provisions. These adjustments counteract the erosive effects of inflation, ensuring that taxpayers' financial obligations remain equitable as economic conditions evolve. Notably, high inflation rates, experienced in the past two years, prompt the IRS to augment the value of tax deductions, credits, and other provisions.

Federal Income Tax Brackets:

The United States employs a progressive federal income tax system characterized by widening income tax brackets. The seven tax rates and their corresponding income brackets for the 2024 tax year are pivotal information for taxpayers to comprehend. These adjustments prevent "bracket creep," where inflation might push individuals into higher tax brackets without a real increase in income.

Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Brackets:

Long-term capital gains, subject to distinct tax brackets, play a significant role in tax planning. Understanding the rates for different income thresholds is essential for optimizing tax strategies.

Changes in Deductions:

The IRS has implemented adjustments to several deductions for the tax year 2024, affecting standard deductions, Section 179 deductions, and the qualified business income deduction.

  • Standard Deduction: A choice between standard deduction and itemizing deductions is a critical decision for taxpayers. The standard deduction amounts for 2024 vary based on filing status.

  • Section 179 Deduction: This provision allows businesses to immediately deduct the cost of depreciable assets, impacting business owners' decisions on capital expenses.

  • Qualified Business Income Deduction: Relevant for self-employed and small business owners, understanding the limits and thresholds of this deduction is crucial for optimizing tax liability.

Tax Credit Adjustments:

Adjustments to tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit, directly impact the tax liabilities of eligible individuals.

  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): The EITC, designed for working taxpayers with low to moderate incomes, sees adjustments in maximum credit amounts and income limits.

  • Child Tax Credit: While the Child Tax Credit amount remains constant, adjustments in the refundable portion affect taxpayers with qualifying children.

Retirement Contributions:

Inflation adjustments extend to retirement contribution limits, allowing individuals to save more for retirement in a tax-advantaged manner.

  • 401(k)s, IRAs, and Defined Contribution Plans: The increased contribution limits empower individuals to plan for their retirement more effectively.

  • Health Savings Account (HSA) Contributions: Adjusted annually for inflation, HSA contribution limits offer a tax-advantaged means to cover healthcare expenses and build retirement savings.

Estate and Gift Tax Exemptions:

Crucial for estate planning, adjustments in estate and gift tax exemptions influence the decisions of individuals with substantial assets.

  • Lifetime Estate and Gift Tax Exemption: The increased exemption amount alleviates the estate tax burden for individuals passing away in 2024.

  • Annual Gift Tax Exclusion: Adjustments in the exclusion amount impact individuals making gifts without incurring federal gift taxes.

Planning Ahead:

Armed with this knowledge, taxpayers can strategically plan for the upcoming tax year. Adjusting withholding, maximizing retirement contributions, and seeking professional tax advice are proactive steps to navigate the intricacies of the tax code effectively.

In conclusion, staying informed about IRS inflation adjustments and collaborating with knowledgeable tax professionals, such as Hood & Associates, empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions and mitigate tax liabilities in the face of inflation. A little planning indeed goes a long way in the realm of effective tax management.

Navigating a New Tax Year: Understanding IRS Inflation Adjustments (2024)


How does the IRS adjust for inflation? ›

Each year, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) adjusts tax brackets for changes in the cost of living to calculate federal tax liability. Because the U.S. economy typically faces inflation each year, the IRS adjusts tax brackets upward.

What is the IRS inflation adjustment for 2024? ›

For 2024, the standard deduction also increased for inflation, rising to $14,600 for single filers, up from $13,850 in 2023. Married couples filing jointly may claim $29,200, up from $27,700. That change could reduce taxable income for some filers.

Will 2024 tax refunds be higher? ›

The rebound in 2024's average refund size is due to the IRS' adjustment of many tax provisions for inflation. The standard deduction and tax brackets were set 7% higher for the 2023 tax year, the period for which taxpayers are now filing their taxes.

What are the new tax changes for 2024? ›

For single taxpayers and married individuals filing separately, the standard deduction rises to $14,600 for 2024, an increase of $750 from 2023; and for heads of households, the standard deduction will be $21,900 for tax year 2024, an increase of $1,100 from the amount for tax year 2023.

What does the tax inflation adjustment mean? ›

It means that taxes apply to less of your income and that you pay less on the income that is taxed. The question is whether any given taxpayer ends up with more spending power. The IRS doesn't adjust its rates to give people tax relief, but rather to reflect the new value of money based on inflation/deflation cycles.

How does the Inflation Reduction Act affect my taxes? ›

The Inflation Reduction Act modifies and extends the Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit to provide a credit of up to 2.75 cents per kilowatt-hour in 2022 dollars (adjusted for inflation annually) of electricity generated from qualified renewable energy sources where taxpayers meet prevailing wage standards and ...

Why am i getting less back in taxes this year 2024? ›

You may be in line for a smaller tax refund this year if your income rose in 2023. Earning a lot of interest in a bank account could also lead to a smaller refund. A smaller refund isn't necessarily terrible, since it means you got paid sooner rather than loaning the IRS money for no good reason.

At what age is Social Security no longer taxed? ›

Bottom Line. Yes, Social Security is taxed federally after the age of 70. If you get a Social Security check, it will always be part of your taxable income, regardless of your age. There is some variation at the state level, though, so make sure to check the laws for the state where you live.

How are Social Security benefits taxed in 2024? ›

Are Social Security Benefits (Income) Taxable? If your combined income is above a certain limit (the IRS calls this limit the base amount), you will need to pay at least some tax. The limit for 2023 and 2024 is $25,000 if you are a single filer, head of household or qualifying widow or widower with a dependent child.

Why is everyone getting less tax refund this year? ›

Reason 1: Changes to your income

Changes to your income last year may play a role in receiving a smaller refund this tax season. Here are some examples: Salary increase: If you got a salary increase last year but neglected to increase your tax withholding, this could lead to a smaller tax refund when you file.

What is the standard deduction for 2024 for seniors? ›

For 2024, assuming no changes, Ellen's standard deduction would be $16,550: the usual 2024 standard deduction of $14,600 available to single filers, plus one additional standard deduction of $1,950 for those over 65.

Do you get a bigger tax refund if you make less money? ›

You can increase the amount of your tax refund by decreasing your taxable income and taking advantage of tax credits. Working with a financial advisor and tax professional can help you make the most of deductions and credits you're eligible for.

Does the IRS account for inflation? ›

By factoring inflation into the tax rates and certain other amounts, the law protects taxpayers from losing the value of various benefits. Each fall, the IRS issues two documents detailing the results of these adjustments for the coming year.

Will my paycheck change in 2024? ›

You didn't receive a raise in 2023, but you may have noticed that you're receiving a slightly different amount of money in your paycheck. The IRS increased 2024 tax brackets, which could translate into more money on payday for some folks.

Does the Inflation Reduction Act expand the IRS? ›

IRS ramps up new initiatives using Inflation Reduction Act funding to ensure complex partnerships, large corporations pay taxes owed, continues to close millionaire tax debt cases.


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