15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (2024)

I love road trips but man, they are hell on a diet. I used to allow myself to ‘cheat’ when we were travelling, but now we’re on the road nearly full time, I needed to find another way to snack. I know we’re all supposed to ‘be organised’ and ‘prep in advance’… but sometimes that’s just not possible.

So here are 15 quick and easy Keto snacks to buy on the go– perfect for road trips, travelling or anyone who, you know, hates to prep!


10 Savoury Keto snacks (you can buy on the go)

Most of these snacks can be found in fuel stations or small shops you pass on the road. Alternatively, google a larger supermarket and stock up there.


Pepperoni slices or even some pepperoni sticks are great snacks. Just be sure to buy ones without added preservatives or sugar.

Deli Meats

Grab a whole range of deli meats and make yourself an easy peasy snack. Even better served with cheese for an instant sandwich!

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (1)

Cheese slices

Cheese is one of the best road trip foods, as long as it’s easy to hold and eat. Think cheddar, babybel or even those marvels- cheesestrings. Cut it up into bite-size pieces and put it in a little pot for easy portion control.


I can’t stand olives personally, but my husband loves them and there’s no denying they’re an easy snack. Just be careful how many you eat- they are full of calories!

Nuts and seeds

A handful! A small handful people. Portion out a small bowl or bag and snack away guilt free on brazil nuts, pecans, raw macadamia nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.

Flax seeds and chia seeds are also keto-friendly, along with sesame, pumpkin, sunflower and hemp seeds.

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (2)


Admittedly, you probably won’t want to just chomp into an avocado, but pair it with some salad or cheese and meat and it’s a perfect and very healthy snack at any time of the day. People think I’m weird for eating avocado with scrambled eggs- but seriously, try it!

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (3)

Low-carb vegetables

Bell peppers, cucumbers, celery, carrots (in moderation)- these are all easy to eat cold and an easy keto snack to buy as you travel.

Hummus- to dip those veggies in!

I love hummus. It’s one of my favourite snack ingredients and pretty much anything tastes good dipped in it- especially the vegetable above.

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (4)

Beef Jerky (low -carb)

This is another ‘I hate them, he loves them’ snack- but beef jerky is available almost everywhere and is a perfect road trip keto snack to buy on the go.

Hard Boiled eggs -or indeed, eggs of any kind!

Except for Easter eggs. Those are bad 🙁

Many places sell hard-boiled eggs. If you’re lucky enough to be travelling in a motorhome or van with a kitchen, you can even cook some in the morning and they’ll be cool and ready to go by lunchtime. Just be sure to store them in a safe place which you’re travelling.

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (5)

Sweet Treats- 5 Sweet Keto snacks to buy on the go!

For those of us afflicted with a sweet tooth, any diet is misery. Keto is surprisingly lenient- but this is one area you might want to be organised and try to stock up in advance, although many fuel stations and supermarkets are getting better at stocking appropriate sweet snacks.


Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries- all good and easy to munch on the go. Just beware of the juice- those things can stain! Also, beware of blueberries- they have more pesky carbs than other berries.

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (6)

Dark Chocolate without added sugar

I LOVE chocolate and I love dark chocolate- but dark chocolate without added sugar is pretty miserable. I was overjoyed when one with added Stevia- it almost tastes like the real thing!

Grenade killa

Are you surprised to find out these are fairly keto friendly. They come in lots of flavours, although apparently, the UK version is nicer than the American version- no idea why. I’ve only ever tried the UK one and they are pretty good for when you’re really craving something sweet.

Nut butter

Most peanut butters are not keto-friendly, but some like this one are.

Keto snacks to buy- Quest cookies

Yep- I said cookies! These are high in protein and fat, and low in carbs. Check them out here.

What’s your favourite healthy or keto snack to buy on the go? Don’t forget to check out these other road trip recipes!

Want to save this list for later? Pin it to your healthy recipes or Keto board on Pinterest.

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (7)

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (8)

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (9)

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (10)

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (11)

Kathryn Bird

Kat never planned to buy a motorhome. She also never planned to quit her job as an air traffic controller, go touring around Europe in said motorhome, start one of the UK’s largest motorhome travel websites… or get a co*cker spaniel.

Find out how she went from stuck in the rat race to being a digital nomad and inspiring thousands of people to have their own epic adventures here.

If you’d like to connect with Kat, send her an email or follow her adventures on social media.

15 Quick and Healthy road trip snacks to buy on the go (Keto approved!) (2024)


What can I buy for a snack on keto? ›

  • Roasted Onion & Thyme Cheese Crisps - 32g pack. Roasted Onion & Thyme Cheese Crisps - 32g pack. ...
  • Tangy Mature Cheddar Cheese Crisps. ...
  • Fresh Garlic & Oregano Cheese Crisps - 32g pack. ...
  • Oh My Hog! ...
  • Oh My Hog! ...
  • Oh My Hog! ...
  • Eva Bold - Coffee Mocha Protein 40g Bar. ...
  • Eva Bold - Salted Caramel Protein 50g Bar.

How to do keto on a road trip? ›

Here are a few great Ketogenic snacks you can bring with you on the go:
  1. Hard-boiled eggs.
  2. Cheese.
  3. Cooked bacon.
  4. Parmesan cheese crisps.
  5. Nuts (macadamia nuts, walnuts, and almonds)
  6. Nut butters.
  7. Dark chocolate (85% cacao or higher)
  8. Beef jerky (check the sugar content first)

What snack foods are keto-friendly? ›

Learn more about our team of writers and editorial standards.
  • Keep reading to find your new favorite keto snack.
  • Cheese (0-3g Net Carbs)
  • Nuts (1-3g Net Carbs)
  • Seeds (1-3g Net Carbs)
  • Deli Meats (0-1g Net Carbs)
  • Nut Butters (1-3g Net Carbs)
  • Pickles (0-1g Net Carbs)
  • Avocado (2g Net Carbs)
Jan 25, 2022

What snack food has no carbs? ›

Zero Carb Snacks:
  • Cheese: A savory and satisfying snack, cheese is low in carbs and high in flavor. ...
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs: Packed with protein and virtually carb-free, hard-boiled eggs make for a portable and nutritious snack. ...
  • Pork Rinds: Crispy and carb-free, pork rinds are a savory alternative to traditional snacks.

What junk food is keto friendly? ›

Here are 9 fast-food options that you can enjoy on a ketogenic diet.
  • Bunless Burgers. Share on Pinterest. ...
  • Low-Carb Burrito Bowls. ...
  • Egg-Based Breakfasts. ...
  • Bunless Chicken Sandwich. ...
  • Low-Carb Salads. ...
  • Keto-Friendly Beverages. ...
  • Lettuce-Wrapped Burgers. ...
  • “Unwiches”
May 29, 2018

Is popcorn OK on keto? ›

Net carbs are calculated by taking the total grams of carbohydrate in a food and subtracting the amount of fiber. In this case, popcorn contains 6 grams of carbs per 1 cup serving and 1.2 grams of fiber, bringing the net carbs per serving to 4.8 grams. Yes friends, popcorn is indeed a keto food.

What cancels out carbs on keto? ›

Keto Net Carb Diet. On the ketogenic diet, the "net carb" is the amount of carbs in a food minus the fiber and sugar alcohol. Fiber and sugar alcohol are subtracted because the body does not fully absorb them. The keto net carb diet limits daily carbohydrate consumption to 20-50 grams to induce ketosis.

What is a keto breakfast for traveling? ›

A filling low carb breakfast before your travel begins can be quick and easy – hardboiled eggs, cooked bacon, reheated egg muffins, or plain Greek yogurt with cream, berries, and nuts. If you have more time, sauté sausage with mushrooms and tomatoes or slice an avocado and enjoy with olive oil or mayonnaise.

How do you eat low carbs on a road trip? ›

Here are some low carb road trip food ideas to bring along for the ride:
  1. Atkins Sweet & Salty Trail Mix.
  2. Milk Chocolate Delight Atkins Shake.
  3. Sliced Vegetables with Cream Cheese.
  4. String Cheese, Cheese Slices, or Cubes.
  5. Hard-Boiled or Deviled Eggs.
  6. Olives.
  7. Baked Cheese Straws.
  8. Harvest Trail Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Bar.

What can I snack on instead of chips on keto? ›

#1: Pork Rinds

They are the ideal low carb or keto-friendly potato chip replacement, since each serving contains just 1g of net carbs, plus 5g of fat and 8g of collagen protein! Collagen protein is packed with amino acids that are absorbed more efficiently by the body compared to other types of protein.

What is the most filling food on keto? ›

13 of the best keto foods that keep you full
  • Mushrooms are a very filling vegetable. ...
  • Sauerkraut is rich in filling fiber. ...
  • Coconut yogurt can promote satiation. ...
  • Green pesto has an amazing fiber content. ...
  • Sardines are incredibly healthy. ...
  • Add eggs to your diet . ...
  • Make sure you are consuming full-fat dairy.
Oct 9, 2018

What are strictly keto snacks? ›

7 Best Keto and Low-Carb Snacks
  • Cheese Crisps. Crunchy and savory cheese crisps can serve as a keto-friendly alternative to traditional potato chips. ...
  • Antipasto Skewers. ...
  • Baked Avocado Egg Boats. ...
  • Keto-Friendly Trail Mix. ...
  • Cucumber Sticks With Guacamole. ...
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs. ...
  • Deli Roll-Ups.
5 days ago

What foods are filling but low in carbs? ›

Meat, eggs, and seafood are low in carbs. You can also eat certain vegetables, including broccoli and eggplant, as well as fruit, such as avocado and apricots, on a low carb diet.

What foods have absolutely no carbs? ›

Food and drinks allowed on a no-carb diet include meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, oils, water, and plain coffee or tea. If you're less stringent, you can also eat nuts, seeds, non-starchy vegetables, and high fat fruits like avocado and coconut since these foods are low in net carbs.

What sweets can be eaten on keto? ›

  • Lily's Chocolate Bars. ...
  • ChocZero 50% Dark Chocolate Squares. ...
  • SlimFast Keto Fat Bomb Snacks. ...
  • Russell Stover Sugar-Free Pecan Delights. ...
  • Atkins Snack Bar Caramel Chocolate Nut Roll. ...
  • think! ...
  • Rebel Ice Cream. ...
  • Halo Top Keto Chocolate Cheesecake.
Jul 13, 2020

What chips can I eat during keto? ›

Some of the best keto chips on the market include: Best High-Protein Keto Chips: Quest Nutrition Protein Chips. Most Light and Crispy Keto Chips: HighKey Crackers. Best Keto Chips with the Fewest Ingredients: Oven-Baked Parm Crisps.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.